
Sarah is an outstanding acupuncturist. She is thorough, patient and very delicate in her needling. She has always taken a thorough amount of time to understand my aches and pains and help me through them. I would highly recommend her and her skill set. — Kelly T.

Sarah is the BEST!! As a career bodyworker myself, I've gotten a lot of acupuncture and she is the real deal. She is incredibly intuitive and effective. Everything from serious guasha scraping and e-stem to opening your third eye, she's your gal. — Fox M.

I have seen Sarah for the last couple years and her ability to hone in and treat my issues is amazing! My legs are slightly different lengths and this has caused major aggravation in my hips, lower back, and feet. Sarah has made the most impact in relieving my aches and I truly appreciate the combination of treatments she performs to best fit my needs. Sarah also significantly helps me with allergies and reducing pms symptoms. If you are thinking of acupuncture or looking for a new provider I would definitely start with Sarah - for her knowledge, skill, and intuition! — Natalie L.

I have a protruding disk issue (L5/S1) and quite often my lower back and glutes tighten up along with some sciatica which hampers activities like running, biking and swimming. Working with Sarah, her treatments target the tight muscles, nerve issues and systemic causes which free up the affected areas to resume athletic activities, especially biking. Sarah knows her stuff, is passionate about her profession, health and wellness and is a great listener. I always feel much better walking out of a treatment with Sarah v. when I first walked in! I highly recommend Sarah for acupuncture and cupping therapies! — Mark W.

Sarah was amazing! It was my first time so I have to say, if you're afraid of pain worry no more. I could barely feel the needle as she is so light-handed. As Sarah places the needles you can literally feel stress leave as her healing energy goes to work. She just seems to know WHERE to place the needles in by interviewing you and with a dash of clairvoyance. She's incredible and I highly recommend her to anyone looking for a bona fide holistic-approach without the side-effects of pharmaceuticals and instead of Western Medicines approach of treating symptoms, rather than the cause of illness. I use acupuncture as a holistic-treatment that surpasses ANY treatment offered by Western Medicine. I first heard of acupuncture from a friend of mine, who swore by it to help eliminate anxiety, stress, foggy-brain, athletic and chronic injuries. (You can even use acupuncture for fertility and allergies: it's safe to say cureall: whatever ails you.) — Jennifer C.

If you are looking for an amazing Acupuncturist Sarah is it! I have been seeing Sarah for a few years now. I started seeing her during my pregnancy, for migraines, morning sickness and chronic pain. I continue to see her on a regular basis to continue feeling my best! — Laine H.

Sarah is truly wonderful at her practice and really wants the best for each of her clients. She is patient with those of us who are skeptical about acupuncture, and open to helping you solve any problem you might have in a holistic way. I started seeing her after having my second kiddo and she has been a lifesaver!! — Emily B.

If you want to experience relaxation bliss and engage in a journey to heal yourself from any number of ailments, look no further. Sarah Halverstadt is a compassionate, well rounded acupuncturist who has supported me greatly in my healing process throughout the past year. From pain relief from old injuries, to support with chronic stomach problems, and relief from lifelong skin issues, Sarah has seen me through it all. I am truly a better person now than I was before I started working with her. She is the first person I’ve worked with in many years who has been able to help treat my physical symptoms and encourage emotional healing as well. Sarah will work hard to help see you through the tough times and joyously celebrate the good. She is consistently engaged in continuing in her own education and growing as an acupuncturist and healer. She always has some awesome take aways for me to go home and ponder, be it a mediation she knows I will benefit from, or a book to follow up with from our session. I always appreciate these insights and many of them have helped me redirect my life towards being the person I truly want to be. Consider working with Sarah If you seriously want to change your life for good. She will be there for you and you will notice it. — Dara N.